NDOMBO BERTRAND – ASSISTENCIA TECNICA, LDA abbreviated as (N.B.A.T) is a company providing support services to companies, separated into 17 branches with a single objective: to offer better services and be the best among the best.
NDOMBO BERTRAND – ASSISTENCIA TECNICA, LDA abbreviated as (N.B.A.T) is a company providing support services to companies, separated into 17 branches with a single objective: to offer better services and be the best among the best.
NDOMBO BERTRAND – ASSISTENCIA TECNICA, LDA abbreviated as (N.B.A.T) is a company providing support services to companies, separated into 17 branches with a single objective: to offer better services and be the best among the best.
We always work in the safe condition and environment protection zones:
We work with qualified and trained people within the limits of projects or environments.
We work in a safe and controlled manner.
We ensure that safety devices exist and work before starting any type of work.
PPE, use of personal protective equipment and mandatory
Provide a quality service for our customers’ assets, in accordance with standards and in harmony with the environment.
Provide a quality service for our customers’ assets, in accordance with standards and in harmony with the environment.